672 Squares

I wish I had made this…

from http://sandra-cherryheart.blogspot.com.au

But I didn’t.  This stunning granny square blanket was made by Sandra’s Cherry Heart.  672 small grannies.  Oh, how I want one!   I so love the colors!  I am overwhelmed at just the thought of all those squares, the sheer number of them!  And yet the itch to make is strong, they are such little squares, little squares go fast….

So many beautiful things to crochet, so little time!

14 thoughts on “672 Squares

  1. I know exactly how you feel. Ever since I saw her post on this, I’ve wanted to make one. I’m working on a baby blanket now but the urge to go buy the yarn to start this is so great, I have to just be stern with myself. LOL. I’m going to do one, though. I absolutely love, love, love it.



  2. Yo tengo tejidos cerca de 800 cuadrados, y no puedo terminarlo por que no se otra forma de unirlos que no sea coserlos y eso me fastidia. Si alguien me diese otra forma más rápida y fácil de unirlos sería bueno.


    1. There are many ways to join crochet, if you do a web search I am sure you can find tutorials for them. I have a few links to joining crochet over there on the right –>


  3. No sewing, she did it with Join as you Go. Ends, yes, but not worse than multi-colored squares I think. Colorful always means lots of weaving ends, the price you pay : )


    1. debe coser sus plazas crochet ….. usted puede montar mediante la conexión entre ellos, si no sabes cómo se hacen vas a ver en el sitio http://www.youtube.com de “cómo montar cuadrados de ganchillo”.
      Una amiga francesa/ española que hace mucho crochet


    2. igualmente, si quieren hablar con migo se pueden…. Viven en francia a lado de Lyon y tu? voy muchas vez en espana tengo un tio que viven en madrid.
      Mi padre era frances y mi madre espanola


  4. I LOVE all those tiny little squares too! I think that’s one of those projects that you work on in between others. Like you said, little grannies are so quick – what better way to give yourself a break! Plus, with every square feels like it’s own finished project!!


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